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The One Thing You’re Missing in Your Client Conversations

When you run a business in a tight-knit community, one thing becomes clear: honesty is not just the best policy; it's your golden ticket to success!  In this blog post, we're talking about the significance of speaking with candor to your clients when you're a small business owner in a small town, and why it can shape the way you relate to your clients moving forward. 


Small Towns Thrive on Trust

In small towns, trust isn't just a buzzword- it's the currency that fuels your business. Your clients are not just customers; they're your friends, neighbors, and part of your community. They value transparency and appreciate when you're candid and upfront with them. Candor is the cornerstone of trust in a small-town business. Maintain that relationship of trust by staying open and honest with your customers, even when it can be difficult or the information isn’t always positive. 


Candor isn't just about delivering bad news, either; it's about being straightforward and open in all your interactions with clients. Whether it's discussing a new product or addressing an issue, honesty helps build lasting relationships. When clients know they can trust your word, they're more likely to come back to you time and time again.


Transparency is the Best Policy (Where Appropriate)

Being open and honest about your products, services, pricing, and policies is vital. In a small town, people tend to talk and share their experiences. If you're not forthright with your clients, they'll find out one way or another. By being transparent, you control the narrative and ensure that what's being said is accurate. For things that need to be kept private from your customers, make sure those are shared with only a select few who truly need to be ‘in the know’. Consider utilizing non-disclosure agreements to protect your company even after employees move on..  


A huge aspect of transparency is learning how to be open and honest about your mistakes, and to handle them gracefully. When you make an error, it's essential to admit it, apologize, and make amends. Clients appreciate a business owner who can own up to their mistakes and work diligently to make things right. This can turn a negative experience into a positive one and reinforce trust in your business.


Avoid Gossip; Embrace Authenticity

In small towns, gossip can spread like wildfire. When you communicate openly and positively with your clients, you minimize the chances of misunderstandings or misinformation. Your clients will hear the truth from you, not through the grapevine. This not only prevents unnecessary drama, but also protects your reputation over time. And don’t go feeding the gossip mills when you’re not around clients, either; the information you choose to share with a select few can move beyond your immediate circle quickly!


In lieu of gossip, embrace authenticity. Small town residents have a keen sense of when someone is being inauthentic and can pass judgment quickly. When you're candid with your clients, you come across as genuine and real. People prefer doing business with those they perceive as authentic, and that can be a powerful selling point for your small business.



In a small town, the importance of speaking with candor to your clients can’t be overstated. Honesty is the glue that holds your relationships with clients together and keeps your small business thriving. By embracing candor, you can build trust, nurture lasting relationships, and create a positive reputation that will set you apart in your close-knit community. When in doubt, always remember: being honest is not just good for business, it's the heart and soul of it!

Looking to learn more about all things client relationships? Our brand-new masterclass, 'Dealing with Difficult Clients in a Small Town', covers all of that and more- check it and get on the waitlist HERE