Wherever you're at in your small business journey, we've got you.
Live Events
From workshops to happy hours, our in-person events connect you with small business owners all over Middle Tennessee.
Mastermind Workshops
In-person workshops with other small business owners to help you achieve your goals, share your struggles, and make the strides you couldn't make alone!
Junior CEO Camp
Have a young entrepreneur ready to learn the ropes of bringing an idea from concept to first sale? Junior CEO Camp is the perfecting launchpad for 3rd-8th graders!
Learn on Your Own Schedule with
Bite-Sized & On-Demand Resources
Strategic Planning Workshops
Ready to align your small business goals and vision with your day-to-day reality?
Creating a Brand Persona
Walk through four easy steps to building a brand persona that clearly showcases your business's vision, values, and voice. Learn the importance of taking 'logical shortcuts', how to select an archetype that fits your brand, and more!
Business Plan in a Box
Everything you need to finally create and finish your business plan in 30 pages, from setting your vision to calculating financials!
Brand & Tone Creation Guide
We'll walk you through every step of building a brand and tone guide, from selecting colors and fonts to designing a logo, in this helpful guide.
Delegation Workbook
Lighten your load by sitting down and mapping out all the things you do as a small business owner to keep the ship afloat, then identify who on your team can take what task (or if you need to bring someone onboard)!
The Big List of Deductible Expenses
Our exclusive master checklist of deductible expenses for you to reference as you start pulling together your receipts for next tax season.
Profit & Loss Workbook
No more wondering where your money goes each month! With this easy guide, you'll learn how to put together your very own Profit & Loss Statement, while understanding how each component affects your business.